It is not normal for authors to have a larger than typical size photo of themselves on the back cover of their books. As most of you have come to realize though, I have never been considered very “normal.” Read more to find out why I did this abnormally large author photo.
We are living longer than ever, therefore, it has become increasingly relevant and essential for the wellness of this immense population group to discover fresh, new ways to thrive and enjoy their later years. Those over 50 or the O50s as I refer to in the book, are not yet in the geriatric segment, but are most definitely in this untapped and mostly neglected, in-between stage of life.

First off, I did not do this full size photo for vanity sake but to visually illustrate that the 6 components of Design SMARTS is truly achievable for anyone regardless of age or life stage. You’re probably thinking oh sure, right, but I am not buying this line of malarkey one single bit. If this could be your thinking, then my book is especially necessary for you!
Why do I think my book could be a kick-start to lift you to a higher, more fulfilling, and more exciting lifestyle? It is because I absolutely believe anyone at any age can benefit by a spring-cleaning of sorts with the 6 components of Design S.M.A.R.T.S. You see, downsizing can actually be applied to all areas of life. Take a look for yourself and ponder where you are on the super six of the SMARTS acronym.
The first letter S is for SPACE
The M is for MINDSET
The A if for ATTITUDE
The R is for ROUTINE
The S is for SPIRITUAL
Each one of these acronyms is essential for thriving life after 50 for not only downsizing your home, but to refresh or replace or perhaps to restore any of the Super Six components in your lifestyle.
Circling back to my reasons for the size of my back cover photo is to visually be a legit representative for you to see that the living the Design SMARTS, even in the 70’s, thriving in life is absolutely possible!
To date, I have not had any botox or facial procedures. I am not wealthy and I am not poor so the SMARTS in my book have very little to do with money or one’s status. SMARTS has everything to do with attitudes and beliefs on what could happen after 50 if those debilitating ugly lies on aging are smashed to smithereens. By breaking these strongholds that sadly hold so many prisoners, an exciting and vibrant life could indeed be just that simple.
When you think that you look good, you feel better about yourself and have a more confident boldness to go out and be all that you were meant to be. I know this may sound superficial, but I know for myself, this is definitely true. Please do not think however, even for a nano second that the SMARTS are totally about looking good. This is only one facet of the Super Six components or the tip of the iceberg for you O50s to rock your world.
I hope that you will join me by learning what the Design SMARTS could do in your life regardless of your age or life stage. It is a brand new time to become part of this movement to be rocking life in ways never thought possible! What do you have to lose?
For those of you in the Wichita area, I will be presenting at Opti-Life at 5:30 on Tuesday March 26th. It is free and open to the public, I would love to see you there!
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JelaEi8vyU[/embedyt]
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Living and Loving Life Together,

P.S. And again, Please Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, and like my Facebook page