by mitzibeachdesigns | Apr 14, 2018 | Healthy Living, Lifestyles, Wellness
What really is WELLNESS? I believe that WELLNESS is a life of wholeness and balance. Easy to say but how do we accomplish this life of ageless wellness? Let’s break down this huge topic by simplifying it into 4 main goals to experience this ageless wellness while at...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Feb 10, 2018 | Cooking, Healthy Living, Lifestyles, Wellness
LOVE is in the air with Valentines Day, but of course it can be any day we make it a day of loving others. One way lots of us show our LOVE is with our cooking. I would LOVE for you to watch this video. I believe that you will LOVE it!
by mitzibeachdesigns | Nov 22, 2014 | Cooking
I love soup. I make soup. I create new soups. And I believe soups are one of our most effective weapons for the battles of fighting flu and colds, getting easy nutrition fast, a huge weapon for me on weight control, and can be cooked ahead for MANY meals. But, the big...