by mitzibeachdesigns | Apr 28, 2017 | Aging in Place, Lifestyles
From boomer’s love of digital smart homes to how we feel about the environment, we’re busting bogus boomer beliefs for the second part of this new three-part series. Think you can label a boomer? Think again. And watch and learn why boomers...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Mar 24, 2017 | Aging in Place, Design
It’s finally spring! In preparation for full enjoyment of this most wonderful season, I want to give you an inside look at my absolute favorite springtime spot for entertaining or just relaxing — the screened-in porch at Cypress. So back by...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Feb 8, 2017 | Aging in Place, Design
Let’s continue the downsizing discussion with a conversation about furniture. I’ve picked and chosen my way through our “past life” furniture pieces and repurposed nearly everything you’ll see in this video from the archives. I also...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Jan 13, 2017 | Aging in Place, Design
There’s something about starting off a new year with a clean slate … and a cleaner closet, desk or work area. Are you feeling motivated to declutter or even downsize? Or are you looking for inspiration to get started? You’re in the right place!...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Apr 12, 2015 | Design
Today, who is unexpectedly moving into the 55 million (and counting) multi-generational homes in the United States? It’s surprisingly not just the elderly, but also the millennials, Generations Xers, and Boomers that make up this growing demographic. In the...