by mitzibeachdesigns | Apr 14, 2018 | Healthy Living, Lifestyles, Wellness
What really is WELLNESS? I believe that WELLNESS is a life of wholeness and balance. Easy to say but how do we accomplish this life of ageless wellness? Let’s break down this huge topic by simplifying it into 4 main goals to experience this ageless wellness while at...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Nov 14, 2015 | Design, Lifestyles
In today’s video, learn what sanctuary spaces are all about, and why you need to have one in your home.
by mitzibeachdesigns | Feb 8, 2015 | Design
Some of us remember that wonderful commercial years ago for Calgon bath salts, that translated to “get me out of here, and take me away”! Well, certainly in our hyped up, stressed out world we live in today, nothing could be more appreciated than the...