by mitzibeachdesigns | Jan 14, 2022 | Aging in Place, Healthy Living, Lifestyles, Wellness
If you had a cast, or recent surgery, or a recent knee or hip replacement, what bathroom in your current home would work for you to easily take a shower? Do you even have a first floor bathroom where you can maneuver safely and easily for your basic needs if you...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Oct 26, 2018 | Design, Events, Wellness
High Point October Market was such an affirmation to me that WELLNESS in our homes is a hot topic, even with the beautiful Kathy Ireland. In our interview at Nourison Carpet where her many designed area rugs are on display, she shared with me her perspective on...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Feb 10, 2018 | Cooking, Healthy Living, Lifestyles, Wellness
LOVE is in the air with Valentines Day, but of course it can be any day we make it a day of loving others. One way lots of us show our LOVE is with our cooking. I would LOVE for you to watch this video. I believe that you will LOVE it!
by mitzibeachdesigns | Feb 3, 2018 | Healthy Living, Lifestyles, Wellness
Jake is challenging you to answer this one question? It connects WELLNESS to our HOMES, hint, hint…And when I ask my clients this same question when beginning their project, more often than not I get a blank look like what are you talking about Mitzi?? The...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Jun 2, 2017 | Design, Lifestyles
Getting your home ready for summer doesn’t always require a ton of effort or money. Here are five tips for adding some brightness to your home for this fun season! 1). CHANGE OUT YOUR PILLOWS Add instant color, pattern, and informality. 2). ADD FLOWERING HOUSE...