The 80 – 20 Rule

Many people are familiar with the 80-20 principle when it comes to business. This well-known philosophy—also known as the Pareto principle—dictates that 80 percent of your business likely comes from 20 percent of your customers. It has served countless business people...

Are You A Priority to You?

Here we go again… I can see you rolling your eyes at the very thought of “me, a priority to me”?? Let me guess. Your thoughts are something along these lines. “Well, that is the most selfish thing I ever heard.” “I have way too much to do and too many people...

Let Me Tell You

Let me tell you a little bit about the designed life I’ve been living. As a wife, mother and grandmother at this stage of life, I have had a lot of living experiences! I will be sharing what has worked and not worked for me in all areas of living, which are:...