by mitzibeachdesigns | Apr 14, 2018 | Healthy Living, Lifestyles, Wellness
What really is WELLNESS? I believe that WELLNESS is a life of wholeness and balance. Easy to say but how do we accomplish this life of ageless wellness? Let’s break down this huge topic by simplifying it into 4 main goals to experience this ageless wellness while at...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Mar 10, 2018 | Lifestyles, Uncategorized, Wellness
In connection with international women’s day, I would like to introduce an outstanding woman, named Robin Lamonte. This vivacious, beautiful interior designer wears many hats and all of them well! What a blessing is for me to connect with Robin in social media because...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Mar 3, 2018 | Healthy Living, Lifestyles, Wellness
“This is us” in 2004 as we embarked on our exciting but tediously difficult journey of restoring an extremely run down home that we named Cypress. Oh my, what were we thinking since we had absolutely no idea what was ahead of us! If I wasn’t already a...