by mitzibeachdesigns | Apr 14, 2019 | Events
In this post are my 3 major reasons for attending and the highlights from one of my most fabulous High Point N.C. Market trip I have ever attended. There is no other market that I know of that can boast the million plus square feet of showroom space that is...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Oct 26, 2018 | Design, Events, Wellness
High Point October Market was such an affirmation to me that WELLNESS in our homes is a hot topic, even with the beautiful Kathy Ireland. In our interview at Nourison Carpet where her many designed area rugs are on display, she shared with me her perspective on...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Jun 13, 2018 | Design, Healthy Living, Lifestyles
I have ALWAYS hated fluorescent lit rooms! However, I never truly understood all of the reasons why. Now I have even more of the science behind why! …Read More Sorra lighting event hosted by Madcap Cottage at their remarkably beautiful home during...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Apr 25, 2018 | Design
Here is my much anticipated interview with Kathy Ireland. This beauty is not only skin deep! Read on to discover surprising insights from my interview. ..more First off and the most important insight to me, was how refreshing it was to discover a genuine caring...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Feb 24, 2018 | Aging in Place, Healthy Living, Lifestyles
I am sure you already are aware that February is heart health month along with Valentines day. However, the feature photo of red shoes may have you wondering where I am going with this post? Okay, you give? But first, how could these hot red shoes...