by mitzibeachdesigns | Jul 16, 2021 | Aging in Place, Lifestyles
For all of us, but especially for those who are changing lifestyles or homes, this post on clothes storage is for you! Exactly 2 years ago, Bob and I relocated to NE Ohio leaving behind my beloved design studio and full service interior design business. Why...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Jul 10, 2015 | Design
“Less is more” is certainly true when it comes to the attitudes of Boomers who are downsizing their homes. But, what do they want less of, exactly? Here lies the conundrum for so many downsizing Boomers today. I often hear from my clients how overwhelming...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Mar 29, 2015 | Design
Are you curious to see an aging-in-place home that doesn’t look aged or “old”? Do you wonder what it takes to create a BoomerSmarts® home? What are some great downsizing tips? These questions and more will be answered in my brand new video series,...