by mitzibeachdesigns | Jun 2, 2017 | Design, Lifestyles
Getting your home ready for summer doesn’t always require a ton of effort or money. Here are five tips for adding some brightness to your home for this fun season! 1). CHANGE OUT YOUR PILLOWS Add instant color, pattern, and informality. 2). ADD FLOWERING HOUSE...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Jan 6, 2017 | Healthy Living, Lifestyles
Can you identify your time robbers or even go as far as identifying your destiny stealers? Well here we are at the start of a lick smacking brand new year, so what better time to start figuring out just what the heck is sabotaging us year after year!...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Dec 2, 2016 | Design
Yes, and a big amen to keeping it simple sister! Okay, so if I am a less-is-more girl, how do I accomplish downsizing my Christmas decorating? Well, being part of At Home’s team of social media influencers, I head to their store...
by mitzibeachdesigns | Sep 21, 2016 | Design
Finally, it is time for fall decorating! For those of you in parts of the country that do not sweat all summer in high heat or high heat plus humidity, you are fortunate. But those of us who do “shimmer” all summer, we are thrilled to bring in the fall season....
by mitzibeachdesigns | Jul 6, 2016 | Design, Lifestyles
First off, I love to entertain outside on our beloved screened-in porch for family and friends, but entertaining or being entertained anywhere outside is top of the list of my favorite things to experience. Some of you know that I...