Why am I smiling in this photo? It’s due to the fact that I am at  my target weight. Is it easy? No, but it is absolutely doable at any age or stage? Please read on to see how. 

First off, why wait to start implementing your own plan to reach your ideal healthy weight? It is definitely not too late in 2020 to start a fresh or to refresh your eating lifestyle towards a healthier you. And yes, every decade gets harder and harder to lose or as hard to maintain our ideal weight. Nevertheless, let me affirm you that it is definitely possible!


No surprise here, absolutely essential is a  HEALTHY ATTITUDE towards pursuing our own personal wellness as our number one top priority. Of course there is our faith, families, relationships, careers, etc. But what happens to these priorities if we are compromised by poor health or worse, chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes that is often linked to poor eating habits and obesity?

Often I hear, “oh Mitzi, you are so fortunate to not have to worry about your weight”. Let me share with you what a misconception this statement really is. I work at my target weight and my healthy lifestyle constantly. Do you know how I do this? 

My number one secret to maintaining my weight is my 80-20 lifestyle eating habit. Life happens, deadlines loom, celebrations, weekend trips, holidays, sickness, are the tip of the iceberg events that disrupt daily routines and also the best of intentions…:) I do not or will not accept these events as an excuse to say, what the heck and just give up entirely.

Nope, my secret is to get back to my routine without the self-condemning guilt but to get back on track, no excuses. 


Mitzi’s Weight Management Plan

You guessed it, the 80-20 plan…:)

I give it my all to eat healthy 80% of the time but my 20%  is to indulge in one of life’s greatest pleasures, favorite foods. This could be pasta, pizza, chips and dip, desserts, ice cream etc. But here is the absolute key, only 20% of the day or week do I allow myself my indulgements.

To give how I eat a name, it is the very common but well known Clean Eating Plan.

According to the Mayo Clinic:

The fundamentals of eating clean encourage you to consume more whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats_and limit highly processed snack fools, sweets, and other packaged foods. 


According to  US News Health section,  Please check out the article for more detailed info. But basically, the Mediterrean diet ranks first place with emphasis on fresh fruits and veggies, olive oil, nuts, seafood, healthy proteins, and grains. And this diet includes pastas!

Over all best diets according to this article, The Mediterrean Diet and the Dash Diet.

I personally love the Mediterean Diet because it is so easy to follow with foods that I love but I sadly have to limit the amount of pasta…:(


Seriously? If anything is too complicated, time consuming, expensive, or is not tasty, forget about it! 

This is why in my book, Design Smarts, Inspiration on Home and Life, in chapter 14, “Easy Eating and Cooking Plans with Design Smarts”, there is a ton of detailed info on my life eating plan. I encourage you to read this chapter if you have my book or order my book through my website or on Amazon. 

Time limited offer for one week only!

Sign up  for my email and you will receive a free Chapter 14 digital download. 

Even though there were technical glitches in this video, this post will give you more info on how to win your own battle of the bulge.

Another helpful free gift is my WELLNESS GUIDE, you can download it here!

I created this guide to give us all a fighting chance to win this battle by realizing what we actually consume in a day of proteins, carbs, and sugars. SUPER IMPORTANT to track. Again, this is free for the asking with your email. 

Example: daily recommendation of sugar grams 30 grams…yikes!

One can of Pepsi soda is 41 grams ?

Let’s face it, that essential first step is the mindset to condition your mind to succeed and win this battle of both achieving your ideal weight and maintaining it. And remember this sage advice from an unknown source, “if we are too busy to take care of our own health, we are too busy!

I am believing in you all that you can absolutely win this battle. Now you must believe it too. 



Living and Loving Life Together,

P.S.  Please Be sure to follow me on InstagramYoutubePinterest, and like my Facebook page

My October Newsletter is available now for those that have signed up with their emails @ Included are astonishing facts on Starbucks coffees, one of my favorite recipes, etc. You will love this one!


  1. Samantha Regan

    Definitely trying this 80-20 plan! Great idea ??

    • Mitzi

      Thank you Samantha! I cannot imagine being on a strict diet of never having this or never having that food or snack. I wish you the very best!

  2. Mary Ann Benoit

    This was the perfect thing for me to read today. Everything I was doing that was working great seemed to stop working when September hit so was looking for a way to turn it around. Going to definitely try the 20/80 rule!

    • Mitzi

      Excellent Mary Ann! Sometimes it just takes a little attitude adjustment in trying to get to or to maintain our ideal weight. Guilt and self-condemation are our worst enemies which is why I allow myself these “over runs” to just enjoy whatever I want to enjoy…but not without knowing this is only a slight indulgence. Life is about food and fellowship so denyng ourselves, I believe is why so many loose heart thinking they have blown it so why bother. You go girl, you can do it!

  3. Janet Lorusso

    Great post, Mitzi! I totally concur that it is possible to do at any age – not easy, but possible! I recently got to an ideal weight that I haven’t seen in waaaaay too many years and I have a great deal of determination to stay here :). Keeping careful track of what I am eating and making intentional choices is key for me. I love the 80-20 rule. I firmly believe in diet as a lifestyle not just a means to a goal, and that means allowing for and planning occasional indulgences for it to be sustainable.

    • Mitzi

      Good for you Janet to get to your ideal weight! For cooks like us, it is even more of a challenge but as you realize, enjoying foods and fellowship by the 80-20 rule gives us the lifestyle you mentioned. Just the word diet alone makes us feel denied. Not for us, we are aboutg living a healthy lifestyle that we can maintain decade after decade. Thank you for your affirming comments!

  4. Kristen Martin

    I love all your advice Mitzi! I am aging right behind you and want it to be my best years ever. You sure do make it look simple and I know it takes work. We are worth it!!

    • Mitzi

      Kristen your comment encourages me in that you certainly understand both sides in it may look easy but it takes willpower and commitment. You have both lovely lady and there is no doubt that you will continue to be your gorgeous self!

  5. Linda

    You are my inspiration Mitzi. Such sensible advice and honesty not all that hard to follow. I have made a few of the recipes you have shared in the past and they are always easy and delicious. It also gave me comfort to know that you are not “naturally slim”. You are an inspiration to us all.

    • Mitzi

      From you my friend, I am honored. You are absolutely correct that Clean Eating is a very doable lifestyle eating plan that can be conformed to anyones likes. And I am so delighted that you have tried and liked my recipes that I created for busy people just like yourself that wants ideas but also results.
      Confession, living it up over the weekend, yep, two pounds up. No big deal many think but keep adding those 2 pounds and there it is, an up hill discouraging challenge. I have an online video course coming up where you will see that I am ten pounds easy over where I am now. I work at it Linda just like most have to do. Thank you for your affirming comment!

  6. Sheri Bruneau

    Thank you for sharing your journey. The 80-20 rule is a great one. I’m also a huge fan of the Mediterrean way of eating – I just wish I liked fish more than I do.

    • Mitzi

      You are so very welcome Sheri! Sometimes i think that there is a disike of seafood perhaps due to not either choosing the correct fish or how it is prepared. But, the Mediterrean diet also has tons of other great options.

  7. Lisa A Peck

    Mitzi, your idea of 80/20 seems like a great approach! Thanks for your always insightful posts.

    • Mitzi

      Your so welcome Lisa! So often maintaining or pursuing our ideal weight is made out to be so complicated when really it is a lifestyle choice, not a temporary diet.