Seriously Mitzi? Even downsizing Christmas?



Yes, and a big amen to keeping it simple sister! 


Okay, so if I am a less-is-more girl, how do I accomplish downsizing my Christmas decorating?  


Well, being part of At Home’s team of social media influencers, I head to their store for inspiration and for items to fill in with what I already own. I wish you could be with me (Maybe sometime we will do a video of me doing just this) as I roam At Home’s aisles almost talking aloud with my astonishment of all their cool items in their store. At Home’s extensive selections makes my decorating work even easier and less stressful by saving me time from having to make many stops at many places. Who doesn’t want this with all of our very busy lives? Just look at some of this great holiday decor they offer!






One of my lovely granddaughters says, “so that’s how you do it!’’ Read on to see how this downsizing, busy Boomer does it. And be sure to read all the way to the end for a fun holiday treat!


Doing something fun and casual like this tablescape that is for my grandchildren to enjoy. These fuzzy little creatures and the rag doll angel were perfect really for all ages to enjoy. Adding my own angels photo makes children feel special having their very own table.




Combining my blue and white decor with red Christmas items for me, is always a winner. But for your own color scheme, look for shades of red that work best for your rooms. There are so many color shades to choose. In this photo are also treasured pieces from friends and family which brings even more meaning to my decorations.




To me, Christmas should give us, not to sound to corny, warm fuzzys of happy times shared with those we love. Therefore, I try to make my home decorated for Christmas without being too fussy. I want my friends and family to come in and truly let down relaxing comfortably while also appreciating the holiday good vibe energy.




Because Christmas is such a significant holiday for me, I love keeping it meaningful. These messages on wooden stars just jumped in my cart! 🙂




What is a holiday gathering without food and drinks either hot or cold ones? I combined these goblets from At Home, purchased in the summer, with the candles, napkins and large box recently bought to complete what I already owned. I always love doing this very thing of new items with my own. It is not smart or practical to go out and buy new of everything every season; nope, not BoomerSmart for sure!




So now you’ve seen how I’m keeping it simple with Christmas decorations this year. Thanks to At Home, I have several new favorite finds that were great additions to my holiday decor. Here are a few that are also available online:









Are you ready for a Christmas decorating surprise?! Leave me a comment below about your favorite Christmas decorating tradition to enter to win a $50.00 gift card to At Home! Be sure to enter by Sunday, December 18 so you don’t miss out on this holiday fun giveaway!

Wishing you all a blessed and safe Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Year opportunities ahead.


Living and loving life together,





P.S. Be sure to follow me on Instagram and like my Facebook page!