Our Home “Dressed Up” for Touring

“One more thing” as the late Peter Falk always said in the TV series Columbo, applies to wrapping up our home, called Cypress, being on the Wichita Junior League first annual kitchen tour.

I just couldn’t stand not sharing with you all the lovely job done by the Plaid Giraffe Gift Shop, Wichita Valley Floral, and of course all the hard working Wichita Junior League ladies working so hard for our local agencies in need of volunteer time and financial support.

So my “one more thing” is actually many things in photos to wrap of this very successful event.

And, 383 people went through our home for the tour and I was even out of town!

Obviously, I have loyal and competent friends and total confidence in the Wichita Junior League ladies who were in charge of our home in my absence.

Kelly and Jerry Yocum, owners of Valley Floral had a ”Mitzi challenge” providing fresh and large flowering branches for me for the large urns on our kitchen island. Mother nature did not cooperate with a 27 degree frost! But provide they did as you can see for yourself.


Tanya, designer from the Plaid Giraffe, did an outstanding job designing our dining room table coordinated with their shops gorgeous selections. I want it all!

Cypress ready for the tour to begin

Even my orchids from past years re-bloomed to show off for the tour.

And with that, it’s a wrap on this delightful event from our very special and talented people in Wichita, Kansas.