Timing is so absolutely everything! This week, testimonies were posted from the last, and one of the best, Design Bloggers Conference 2016 in Atlanta. Imagine my delight to see my testimony included along with others that I admire greatly.
So speaking of timing, it is now my time, friends, to put my money where my mouth is. Therefore, I am thrilled to announce that we’re about to launch some exciting new initiatives that are so BoomerSmart® in the near future.
For those of you who read my testimony from the Design Bloggers Conference this past February, I had a Boomer epiphany.
I wrote that I was NOT:
Into licensing products
Develop a fabric or furniture line
Going into E-Commerce in a big way (maybe a little way)
Seeking major interior design projects as my only source of income
Or designing furniture with a private label
Ever having a stand alone retail shop
And I deducted that I AM:
A professional interior designer
A trusted expert on design and lifestyles
A product reviewer
A brand ambassador and product sponsor
An influencer
So what social media from the Design Bloggers Conference will I use to accomplish my newly defined goals? Top on my list will be to incorporate the DBC expert speaker’s advice on the various aspects of doing social media — especially Instagram, the hot topic.
Workshops and Seminars
Speaking and Writing
Design and Consulting
Whew! This is really life’s challenge, isn’t it? Now, in my fourth quarter of life, what are my 3 “P’s”?
Boomers, especially women, I hear this all the time. “Mitzi, I am so full of ideas, but I do not know how to make them happen or which ones to even attempt”.
I have been there done and that for many years. But the old adage of have a plan and work your plan truly is truth for any of us to achieve our purpose.
To that end, launching the “3 P’s” workshops will be now rather than “someday.” We know the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and I have intended to launch my workshops for way too long!
However, I close with advice from two honored and respected women in this world of social media, Tobi Fairly and Saxon Henry.
Tobi has been at the conference many years even though not this year. I mention her because of her blog post “The Worst Thing You Can Do for Your Business” — On being who you are and not comparing or being jealous of others and their successes. This is water to us thirsting to be just our own person doing our own thing to which we are called and gifted to be doing right now.
And, the wonderfully delightful, Saxon Henry, taught me so much on writing but my take away from her was, “begin to tweak your platform in the direction of your passion.” Thank you, Saxon, because those few words affirmed what I had been contemplating for quite awhile. Now finally, I am taking those bold steps to step out and like Nike says, just do it Mitzi!
Thanking Adam Japko of Esteem Media, with his accomplished team of Luba and Bob, plus the sponsors and speakers, for making another DBC conference a turning point for so many of us. To read the complete post on testimonies from this year’s attendees, click here.
Stay tuned! We’re about to launch several new fun and exciting endeavors! In the meantime, Be BoomerSmart®. Join the movement and sign up to receive my emails with tips and trends for living a vibrant and chic life after 50.
P.S. Don’t forget to follow our new “boomersmarts” Instagram page — a resource for boomers who want to live fabulous lives in homes they love.
Living and loving life together,