Why is this move so hard? After all, we have moved from Ohio to New Jersey, New Jersey to California, and California to Wichita. What is so very different about this move from Wichita to NE Ohio? Please read on…

For starters, we have lived in Wichita, Kansas for 30 years. This is longer than anywhere else during our married life. My design business started here, I completed my masters degree in Interior Design from Wichita traveling to Oklahoma a day a week for year and a half from here, attained my professional interior design status or ASID while living here.

From early grade school, our three kids grew up here in our family home with two going to KU and one going to the School of Mines in Denver. However, their home base was here in Wichita.

The very best medical doctors took care of us here with the exception of Bob’s need for MDA in Houston. Even so, his care was coordinated from here. Our church life was here along with many dear, dear friends whom we have loved over many decades.
Why else is this move so hard? Bob retired from here. For those of you that have retired or have a spouse that has moved into an entirely new life stage, you know this is a big deal!

But for me personally, I have also semi-retired I guess from my love of being an interior designer. This is not a big deal for me but a HUGE deal for me! You see, I have loved my life as a designer for tons and tons of reasons, but I will miss my clients and resource relationships the very most.

I hope that you will stay in touch with our downsizing, Lifesizing® journey in the weeks and months ahead. One thing that will remain constant is this blog, my social media connecting with you all, and my speaking on all things to promote moving forward with gusto to live life to the absolute fullest for all these remaining for you and me and Bob too!

Our little buddy is desperate to find a snuggle spot, but he did!
Living and Loving Life Together,

To order your very own signed copy of my book click here!

P.S. And again, Please Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, and like my Facebook page
Nine interstate moves, this last one at 77 years of age. Attention to the details are innumerable. Take everything a day at a time and have a little nest egg ready for all the unexpected ecpenses.
You are totally on point as to having a next egg for those unexpected expenses! Water filters, new drawer dividers, trash cans, may seem like no big deal but trip after trip, it sure adds up! Thank you for your wise advice on taking it one day at a time which I keep needing to hear!
XO Mitzi
I can’t believe the time has come for you to leave Wichita!?We hope all goes well & that there are no big surprises. When do you hit the road?
You & Bob will really be missed❤️
Oh Kelly, this is huge as you know having moved over your different life stages. We are getting there but it like the 5 steps forward then at least 10 backwars as internet fails to load and we cannot understand the tech advice!
But all in all, progress is being made. I thank you for your best wises and for your long friendship!
All the best to you and Bob! I’ll continue to be the fly on the wall following you wherever you go!
Hello Patty! Every time I see your name I have the biggest smile remembering our very first bloggers conference together. What a riot that was trying to figure what or why this had to do with our businesses, right? But time has revealed that we were indeed in the right spot at the right time to learn how to not become out dated or worse, irrelevant.
I really appreciate your fun following. Please don’t stop your fun comments!
Oh my! Trust there are good things to come . . . . . making new friends and having new experiences. And, just think, moving forces you to get rid of things you no longer need. ? Best of luck!
Oh Sandy, your comment is so encouraging as the boxes seem to be multiplying! But I do know that you are speaking truth in your wise comments. Thank you sooo much!
XO Mitzi
I can so relate! Wishing you and Bob a great adventure in Ohio! Your book is full of sound suggestions!
Your short but VERY valuable comment lifts my spirit Jody! And do know without a doubt that I treasure your comment regarding my book. Thank you so much!!
Dearest Mitzi and Bob,
You are already missed but we are so excited because after all the packing, panting, painting and the planning, today is “MOVEINDAY”. Another benchmark reached because of you and your strong faith. Now, take a breath, unpack a little, enjoy family, and wave a flag on the fourth. YOU ARE IN OHIO, not in KANSAS anymore. Love, Joanie
Oh yes, Joanie, we are taking it easy today, only worked 3 hours with Mark and Kara. Everyone else was hanging out at my sisters pool where we four joined them . And most definitely our faith has gotten us this far. Feeling excited to be here but actually missing my friends!
I soooo appreciate your commenting!?
Ahwww. Big loss to ICT‼️ Thx for all your love and support. Best wishes for your new transition. Will always miss your gracious self in my store?Ⓜ️
This word, FAITH: you could write the book on it. If people only knew, it was FAITH in God and in the power of His might, that fueled this move! And long before that, it has been your DAILY WALK OF FAITH that has inspired your dreams, and motivated the steps you all have taken, setting your hearts like flint, to obey the call of God on your lives. You and Bob have done this TOGETHER, and you have modeled an uncommon FAITH for family and friends, as you have faced the fear of the unknown head-on, BELIEVING GOD for today, and ALL your tomorrows! Keep living in His REST, cuz this is JUST the BEGINNING of new adventures in God! For we KNOW THE PLANS HE HAS FOR YOU, PLANS FOR GOOD AND NOT FOR EVIL, TO GIVE YOU A HOPE AND A FUTURE!Jeremiah 29:11
What a delightful surprise Monica to see your comment! You and your fabulous store will be one of my top things to miss from Wichita. It is like Cheers where everyone knows your name…:) And my Facebook and Insgtagram from this past Sunday are all your shop except I couldn’t find my cool white jeans from you…:( But I will! Thank you so much for commenting!
Oh my dearest special Andrea, as I have told you numerous times, you seriously should be writing!! I have read your comments several times with each reading lifting my spirits to know this is where we are to be continuing to step out in faith as He sells our beloved Cypress and guides us to and through our last chapter or as Bob says, our fourth quarter…:)
But you know that we could not have done any of this without the teachings and friendships of our inner circle of influences. You are in the circle dear Andrea as I count you as a beacon of light now expressing all that you have been equipped, empowered,and enlightend with for your time of fruit producing season.
I love you dearly, Mitzi