Back by popular demand is our (mostly healthy 😉 ) Holiday Cookbook and it is Free!
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Are you ready to not accept gaining those frustrating holiday pounds after working so hard to get them off? This post is for you my friend!

Check out this delicious crustless pumpkin pie recipe from Dini at theflavorbender.com
My late dad was a true blue foodie so he would basically have a fit if we messed with his favorite foods. So you know what we did that worked?
We didn’t tell him that we were serving a modified version of his all time favorites. We served him his yummy pie with no “strange flavors” and he never knew the difference!

By not changing ALL of everyone’s traditional dishes, I have in my cookbook a favorite sweet potatoes dish…and yes…it has butter!

Adding only a few new healthier versions at a time works. So keeping my much loved sweet potatoe dish loaded with butter was kept untouched.
I use this combo of real and not so real in my design projects too. For example, adding a few live plants in with high quality silk plants, the message is that all the greenery is real. This same concept applies with making only a few of our holiday dishes healthier, gives the impression of eating a “normal” traditional dinner.

Thanksgiving of course, is a time for being thankful for all that we have been so abundantly blessed with regardless of our situations. No matter our particular challenges at any given time, this specific holiday is our reminder to be grateful for what we have.
Because regardless of our own situations, we know there are others who are facing far worse and have far less than we have. And they could live across the street from you.

I remember so vividly feeling very lonely and isolated on a few different holidays having no family in our area. Lesson learned from that sadness was for me to get our of myself and invite friends or even acquintences to our home for a holiday meal.
And you know what? I was the one blessed by enjoying the preparations and the anticipation of not being alone. My secret to not feeling overwhemed was to keep it simple.
Using the recipes in my cookbook helped me to stream line so many of those time consuming dishes. Blessing others to show thankfulness with what we have does not require a marathon endeavor!
Finally, telling others that we are thankful for them resonates big time. People can not read our minds. Therefore, I am telling all you wonderful followers that I am IMMENSELY grateful for you this Thanksgiving.
You all give me a beautiful purpose by allowing me to share my life of design and my lifestyle. Happy Thanksgiving you all!

Living and Loving life together,

To order your very own signed copy of my book click here!

P.S. And again, Please Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, and like my Facebook page
Such lovely messages of thankfulness and encouragement.
I try to maintain the old family recipes – but remind myself that I don’t have to have more than a bite or two of different things to really enjoy them.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Beautiful messages and Happy Thanksgiving to you:)
I love the thought of mixing in some healthy with the less healthy traditional favorites! We too have family members with a stake in the ground when it comes to the holiday menu and they will not be moved! My current solution it to be very careful of the portion sizes I choose. I can have anything, I just need to choose wisely and edit amounts judiciously!
I love the holiday season as we get to enjoy some family traditions. This year, I will miss making cabbage rolls with my mom and dad but they have promised to make me a container (thank goodness).
Happy Thanksgiving to you!