This is going to get a whole bunch of criticism, but I am going to tell you anyway.
I weigh myself everyday. There, I said it.
I really do know dozens of reason not to do so such as water weight, obsessing over weight, and so forth.
But, here is why when I’m at home (other scales don’t give me an accurate bank statement) I weigh myself daily.
As with my bank account, when I am over drawn, I need to be figuring out why I am over drawn and then set out to not let it happen again. My weight range is like my bank account. If I am over the limit on my weight range, it is a red flag saying, “Yo Mitzi, you are over drawn!”
That’s it… end of story. I just need the bank statement to know how much I can continue to “spend” or eat that day or week or whatever. You see I love food. I live to eat and not eat to live.
So when I am over drawn on my weight scale numbers, here’s what I do. I head out to Costco for lots of fruits and vegetables and then to our local grocery store for remaining healthy foods for my plan to get out of the red and on my comfortable weight scale range of bank accounting.
Healthy food is the key here… no high sugar stuff or high fat foods or grabbing fast food… hidden or obvious. We are fighting the battle on aging weight gain in America, which we all know is the big “battle of the bulge”.

And the really big weapon in this battle of the bulge is KNOWING what you will eat almost every day, and HAVING it on hand.
Oh come on, play nice. I can see you rolling your eyes at me. This is what we all can do… really.

Let me see if I can hear your reasons why you can’t or won’t do this:
- But I work……………………………………………So do I
- But my schedule is crazy……………………………………………So is mine
- But it’s only me or just the two of us……………………………………………Same with me
- But I travel a lot…………………………………………………………Okay, I will give you that one cuz me too. But, when I come home I check my bank account… i.e. my scales to see if I’m overdrawn, which I normally am. I exercise and get more sleep and take my supplements.
Whew! This battle on aging weight gain is a battle, but again and again we are here to support each other and this is a battle we are going to win!
It honestly and truly comes down to how badly we really want to be a victor in this battle. Please please please (ok I’m begging now) just at least consider some changes. You really will be a winner in this battle. You’ll see.
More tips on health and wellness to come in my book “Design Smarts- Inspiration in Home + Life” coming out soon… stay tuned!
Be well age well,

P.S. Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Youtube, and like my Facebook page