Healthy Homes Have “Healthy” Furniture


Knowing who is actually making our furniture, and also what country it comes from, is a definite goal for purchasing furniture to keep our homes as “healthy” as possible.

Why? Because we are now learning and gaining more research on the effects of off-gassing from our purchases for our homes. This is especially true in the furniture we buy!

Even if a company says solid wood, we unfortunately do not have a guarantee that it truly is solid wood. A year or two ago, imported tables from various vendors were said to be solid wood. Well, examples of those tables were cut half to expose what was under the supposedly solid wood inside.

It was shocking to see how inside many of those lovely tables was actually particleboard, which is glued together by formaldehyde, which is a known carcinogen. The very thin wood veneer was literally only skin deep.

In a report by Matt Hickman, he asks, “Why is my new piece of furniture emitting a nasty odor”?

A quote from his report: “Off-gassing is the natural evaporation of a type of indoor-air-quality-compromising pollutant often referred to as volatile organic compounds or VOCs in paints, stain, and carpets.

Formaldehyde is a common culprit because it is used to cure particle board, pressed-wood, and plywood–all manufactured composite woods.

China often takes the blame, but the manufacture of off-gassing furniture knows no geographic boundaries.”

To read more about this, click here.

So how do we know if our furniture is “healthy’’?

MacKenzie Down Barley Twist Four Poster

MacKenzie Down Barley Twist Four Poster

Hype Park Chairside Chest

Hype Park Chairside Chest

One way is to buy from companies such as Mackenzie-Dow Fine Furniture, which is made in America, where our government regulations are extremely strict about permitted chemicals. Companies with solid reputations often have the information readily available to actually learn what is inside their furniture, how the outside was finished, and with what materials.

Barley Twist Gate Leg Table

Barley Twist Gate Leg Table

In the long run, it is not a bargain to buy cheaper furniture if it is transmitting off-gases in your home or living areas. This, of course, includes our work areas, as so much time is spent in these areas.

Alton Ladderback Arm Chair

Alton Ladderback Arm Chair

More research is needed on what is called the “sick building syndrome ,”and its effects on our health. We live in a chemical world with toxic materials everywhere–in carpeting, for instance. But where we can, it is prudent for us to do a little research as we can find anything today on the Internet. Companies that have nothing to hide make it easy for consumers to know how their products are manufactured because they are proud of their products.

Randy Fiser, CEO of ASID, said at his January 2015 Modenus presentation, that everyone deserves a healthy environment. Of course we all can agree with his statement and want this for ourselves and others.

Plate Rack for Huntboard

Plate Rack for Huntboard

However, I can hear the cries already. “Mitzi, who can afford the furniture you are promoting”?

Well, my question for all of us is how can we not at least begin the dialogue on what types of furniture we are purchasing? One way, which is what I tell my clients, is to buy quality. Wait until your budget allows you to buy quality furniture from reputable manufactures.

Desk and Hutch

Desk and Hutch

By doing what I suggested (checking out quality furniture manufacturers) one will discover that Mackenzie-Dow is one of those manufacturers, hands down.

To read more about MacKenzie-Dow Fine Furniture, visit their website here.