For all of us, but especially for those who are changing lifestyles or homes, this post on clothes storage is for you! Exactly 2 years ago, Bob and I relocated to NE Ohio leaving behind my beloved design studio and full service interior design business. Why then, do I need to keep ALL of l my clothes and shoes that no longer work for my “now” life?
OMG did I ever experience a lifestyle change! Not to repeat in this post what entailed in our major lifestyle change, suffice it to say that I had to do a deep dive myself in answering these 3 questions.
Three soul searching challenges to analyze why we do the things we do when it comes to our clothes etc storage.


Tons of us are experiencing a new life stage, or new career, or retiring, or relocating, or moving, upgrading, or remodeling or are working from home.

Yes, granted our world has drastically changed over the past year and half. We gave ourselves a grace to figure out what is our next. But now friends, how do our current wardrobes realistically “behave” in our new lifestyle or our new life stage?

Patterns: moving clothes etc to another closet in another room; cannot decide if I might need this “someday”; it is such good quality; or it costs a lot so how can I get rid of it?
Hardest question; am I a hoarder being selfish not to bless others with my overflow?
Can you relate to experiencing the guilt that comes from simply being disgusted or even ashamed of having to continually deal with our disorganized, overflowing clothing closets month after month or year after year? I certainly can relate!

When I was designing Cypress, our restored 1929 Wichita Ks. home, my personal clothing closet/storage amount was intentionally kept to a minimum.

You are probably thinking, “Are you a crazy lady?””
Actually I am crazy about less daily stress, it’s a crazy mindset about achieving a life of order, calm, and peace. Now, I cannot control what goes on in my day to day life as an interior designer, consultant, and life in general, BUT, I can control my STUFF.

In other homes of ours, we had lots of closets and storage. Guess what happened? I routinely moved my stuff from closet to closet either at seasonal change outs or with a goal of making my day to day space orderly and easily workable. But, I never really “cleansed” or “purged” my belongings. I just stuffed them elsewhere out of sight… you know… that instant gratification need of Americans today without any pain whatsoever of making or doing the hard choices.
Now, living in our last best nest while Aging Gracefully at Home,, the age old battle is to keep our closets this way.

Summer is the perfect time to analyze what’s in your wardrobe is working and what needs to go before the fall change of seasons happens within our closets. I have a better reality now on what I am actually wearing this summer and what just hangs there giving me that skunk eye of shame. For the majority of us girls, keeping our closets organized and up to date is a major challenge. My goal for you all is to be equipped, enlightened, and empowered to achieve closet downsizing this season and all that follows.
Living and Loving Life Together,

P.S. And again, Please Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, and like my Facebook page
You must be crazy if you think you’re going to make me feel guilty about owning my own clothes. I’m tired of listening to this nonsense it’s right on par with trying to make us feel guilty for being white.
I’ve worked all my life and I don’t feel guilty about who I am, what I am or what I own. And we don’t need yet someone else dissing on Americans. A lot of nerve insulting your readership. You need to take a good hard look at this post and identify who you think your readership is. I’m totally disgusted.
Oh Margo, I for sure apologize if you think that I am trying to guilt you because you are enjoying all your years of hard work to have what you have now. I accept the fact that the title of my blog post could give that negative impression but as the whole blog post explains, my goal is to truly help us all leave a less stressful life in having to sort through too many choices of clothing each day. Again, I am very sorry to have made you upset at my wording so I hope that you will accept my apology.