Christmas Has Come to Cypress

Christmas has come to our home, Cypress!

It doesn’t matter that I’ve decorated for Christmas 40-plus times before. There is a specialness that only this season brings each year.

When the kids were growing up, we did all the holidays as Easter and such. But never did those decorations bring the glow to wherever we were living at the time like Christmas does, ever.

Just setting a table for a friends luncheon….

Or preparing for an evening with special friends to celebrate this most wonderful of all seasons…

And of course, to “adorn” the heart of our home, our kitchen, with our old but treasured Christmas decorations.

All bring a familiar glow of remembering past Christmases along with savoring the moments of this Christmas season.

Ah yes, Christmas has come to our Cypress home. Our wish for all of you is that you do something to adorn your home, apartment, dorm, whatever to bring in this magic called the Christmas spirit.

Many, many people who are living alone forego any sort of Christmas decorations. How sad and to me a blessing lost. Who knows? The spirit that may be enriched by your effort could be your own.

After all, this Christmas season is all about the expectation of what’s promised and what’s coming.

And for that very reason, no matter where I am living, I will be bringing in the Christmas spirit, decorating for it no matter my age!

Living and loving life together,
