Chic and Tiny Houses… is this the housing scenario for the future for America’s baby boomers – homes with footprints of 850 sq. ft or less?
I think it might be. What do you think?
Although today, Mitzi lives in a large home that she and her husband Bob designed and remodeled from the ground up, called CYPRESS, that functions as their living laboratory for Mitzi’s video demonstrations of her #BoomerSmarts design concepts on THE DESIGN NETWORK , consider this:
In 1950, the average size of a *starter* home in the US was 1200 sq. feet and today it is 2400 square feet. It was called a starter home back then because builders and developers assumed people would *start* there, and move into something larger to accomodate children, pets and *stuff.*
However, today, as the people born in this period of time, those 50+ and known demographically as *Baby Boomers* grows exponentially every day [ 12,500 people a day turn 50, just in the United States alone], Mitzi and I both believe that demand for chic, functional and affordable – and smaller homes is growing – and we believe it will continue to grow – by leaps and bounds.
As many of you know who read Mitzi’s blog regularly and watch her videos on You Tube and The Design Network, she is the USA’s #1 expert in chic, affordable products + the interior design and housing needs for this generation.
Mitzi believes that considering a chic, tiny home represents *Living Your Wisdom* and finding the solution that works best for you, as your needs evolve and change.
Would you consider some of these chic, tiny house options below? Which one do you like best?
I love the *Crib* and its fun, colorful interior.
Talk about #BoomerSmarts space planning. This is it!
And, although Mitzi and I recognize it might not work if you were in a wheelchair, it could be perfect, affordable and manageable – until such time as your needs evolve once more.
Do you agree?
On to another, beautiful and #BoomerSmarts option…
An RV [can you believe it?! -and because it is an RV, and can be moved anywhere, you can finance it for 15 years, if you need to. This is from
RV’s have come a LONG WAY from what I remember and this company makes a *coastal* model, too – perfect for marine climates.
And if you live in a winter climate, could you enjoy watching the deer and the birds during the winter months from a huge window in an ESCAPE RV?
I could!
Now that you’ve seen some of the chic options available for smaller or *tiny* homes, you may want to, if you live in Texas, come to see Mitzi speak about chic, affordable products for the kitchen, bath and home for those 50+ as she headlines the Houston Design Center’s DESIGNER SAMPLE SALE event [ www.thehoustondesigncenter.
It is graciously being hosted by Houston’s premier luxury K &B showroom, Kitchen and Bath Concepts , whose owner, Peggy McGowen, was a former President of the National Kitchen and Bath Association.
and, if you’re an interior designer in Houston and need CEU credit hours, you’re invited to sign up for Mitzi’s IDCEC approved and NKBA approved #BoomerSmarts CEU’s the day before, on Thursday, August 21st, being given at 10 and 11 in the Texas Gulf Coast ASID seminar room, with a catered lunch afterwards, graciously being hosted by Ken Kehoe – who carries the lush, luxury fabrics of Ronda Rice Carman, here.
I could see some of Ronda’s tartan plaids and cashmeres in some of these tiny homes, couldn’t you? When you don’t have so much square footage, you can afford to invest in luxury, right?
If you need CEU hours and you’d like to learn more about #BoomerSmarts design, you can sign up for Mitzi’s CEU’s in advance { explained in the flyer pictured below } by clicking
We both hope to see you there if you live in Houston and please let us know what you think about Tiny Home living in the comments -is it #BoomerSmarts in YOUR opinion..or not?
Mitzi Beach, ASID, NCIDQ, CAPS
Masters In Interior Design
You’re invited to also follow Mitzi on You Tube here, Facebook, here, Twitter, here, and Pinterest, here!
[ If you’re a manufacturer of products for people 50+, and would like to possibly receive Mitzi’s prestigious #BoomerSmarts designation for them, or to consult with her on their design, please email her at]
Thank you for reading and we hope you come back often!