What a thrill to be featured in the Better Homes & Gardens magazine, Before & After Edition, speaking on my passion: ageless design for all.
For Boomers, the 50+, and really, all demographics, life is happening all around us in ways most of us have not anticipated. A medical condition, a car accident or sports injury, a parent moving in, or becoming part of the huge sandwich generation that cares for adult kid’s kids, plus parents.
Yes, indeed, for millions and millions of Americans, life is not looking like what they had anticipated. But, the good news is good news!
We can not be like generations before us! No, America has changed drastically to when families lived closely by to help in any given situation. Unfortunately, for most of us, we are on our own. So what’s the good news?
We do not have to be caught like a deer in headlights when life strikes and it will strike. Preparation based on our attaining knowledge of products and design will enable us to not only endure, but live life equipped and enlightened to face whatever comes our way.
So with this empowering strategy, my motto, focus, and goal is:
And who knew that I would be quoted in the same magazine as my new Facebook friend, Laura Schwartz-Muller, whose beautiful interior design work was shown throughout the entire cover article. I love her quote, “A house is supposed to reflect the people in it. When people enjoy their space, that’s good design.”
Pick up the latest copy of BH&G’s Before & After magazine at a store near you to see this fabulous issue! And a big thank you to Jan Soultis Walker for the wonderful opportunity and for doing such a great job with the article. We love the great exposure for our phrase of the day, “ageless designing,” and hope this encourages all readers to embrace the simple realities of having and getting BoomerSmarts®.