You’ve heard of Pinterest and Etsy. There’s even a good chance you’ve attempted some of the many crafts or DIY projects you’ve admired and pinned to your boards or purchased hand-made items online. But did you know that there is a whole movement driven by people who make things that’s gaining momentum at an unprecedented rate? It’s called the Maker Movement and it’s not only changing the options we have as consumers, it’s the driving force behind how both Boomers and Millennials will shop in the future.
So what do you need to know about this movement?
1. You could be a maker. According to techopedia, “the maker movement is primarily the name given to the increasing number of people employing do-it-yourself (DIY) and do-it-with-others (DIWO) techniques and processes to develop unique technology products.” But it’s not specifically about being techie or non-techie, it’s about being a creator — an innovator, a designer or just someone with a hobby. This culture not only has its own magazine, Make, but also Maker Faires that are happening all over the world and drawing hundreds of thousands of people to see what is being created.
2. Boomer or Millennial, we want a maker’s product. Both generations want products that are personal, unique and come with a story. According to an article in the March issue of Home Accents Today, a shift in how Millennials shop is actually a driving force behind the Maker Movement. “The Millennial generation is very attracted to stories about products that align with their own values,” said Joanne Domeniconi, co-founder and chief discovery officer of online product launch platform The Grommet. “They care about sustainable manufacturing. They care about preserving handcraft. They’re very digitally attuned.” The Grommet serves as an online product launch platform for makers to directly reach their audience.
3. Makers are taking furniture to the next level. Thanks to this movement, there are endless possibilities for finding furniture that speaks to you that you won’t find in your best friend’s house. Some options include Karg Glass, John Strauss, Rustbelt Reclamation, Joey Pohl, and of course, Etsy.